Wednesday, March 24, 2010

John and Jeanie Snell, Europe 2010

John and Jeanie Snell are taking a trip to Europe, May 2 - June 1, 2010. Here is our itinerary:

May 2 - Leave MSP
May 3 - Paris
May 5 - Sorrento, Italy
May 8 - Rome
May 11 - Brescia, Italy
May 15 - Condove, Italy
May 20 - Buzan, France (in the Pyrenees Mountains)
May 25 - Bayeux, Normandy, France (Omaha and Utah Beaches)
May 28 - Paris
June 1 - MSP

See the pages above.

1 comment:

  1. We miss you already! Thinking about you often and wondering what amazing adventure you are on. Kolby and Ky say "luvs you". Bio Lab final done today (yuck), lecture final on Wed. Missing your motivating words and encouragement! I know... it is a sterole... bound to be the first question!
